Participants - Under Development

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Thornton Rose RDA, proud certificate recipiants

Rider Award Scheme

Most riders participate in the RDA rider award scheme that is adjusted to suit the rider’s ability and aspirations.

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Thornton Rose RDA, young rider

Activities to suit all abilities

Some riders have been at Thornton Rose for many years and are able to ride independently.

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Thornton Rose RDA, cat lover

Activities for non-riders

Some participants do not want to ride immediately or at all. Other activities in the group are just as much fun!

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Thornton Rose RDA rider proudly showing her clutch of rosettes

National Competitions

Thornton Rose has achieved great results in competitions both in the yard and elsewhere in Scotland.

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Thornton Rose RDA rider enjoing schooling indoors

Having fun schooling

Experianced riders gain confidance schooling ponies.

A session with us

If you are expecting to be riding, a coach will help fit you with a riding hat so that you can be safe when onboard the horse. If you are not riding, but are able, a coach may ask you to wear a riding hat to keep you safe on the ground also.

If the weather is bad we may spend time in the indoor school. On nice days, we may go for a walk with the horses though the woods around Thornton farm.

What we offer participants

We aim to provide an enjoyable fun experience for our participants in a safe environment.

WeBeing around horses provides a range of therapies for all. It helps with balance, co-ordination, communication, social skills, concentration, life skills, confidence and speech.


How much help will I get?

Participants will be provided with help according to thier abilities and needs. Our volunteers and coaches are there to will make sure everyone is comfortable and safe with the horses.

Parents and Carers

Each session is around 30 – 45 minutes in length depending on the participant. We ask that parents and carers stay on the yard during the session. Most parents and carers take this as an opportunity to catch up with others and this can be valuable time out. Parents and carers are welcome to come out with a ride or watch for the first few weeks if this will help the participants settle.


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